Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Way Ticket: Part Four.

April 14th - Train to Boston
              I’ve not been journaling very diligently thing and my personal laziness has surfaced. I have an unwritten gap of close to four days and not near the amount of detail I could have written. I should continue writing now,… but my head feels split and I fear it may be a migraine or the beginning of one. Leaving tomorrow for nyc should post tomorrow or tonight is possible.

April 14th 5;35 in subway train on the way home
                I observe the people around me
                The things that they do
                The words that they say
                The choices they make
                All the events going on in their lives
                A sweet sour kaleidoscope of time
                When problems arise
                And celebration ensures
                They are whipped in the wind of fate
                I see this go on and I wonder how
                I feel a lack of movement in my own sphere.

April 15th 10;30am 2nd bus from Boston to nyc
                Happy birthday Michael! Things like birthdays make home even further away, thank goodness for cell phones and the internet

Now, and overview of days starting on the 12th

April 12th -spree day!
                This college has a day every year that’s dedicated to games and drinking (remind you of any fallen city of antiquity? Thought so..) Theoretically the underage do not participate in the latter. Erin and I started the day off with an eeeeaaarly morning breakfast adventure at Annie’s. We got there just in time and we woke up at 5:15 and went in our PJ’s too. This marks the second time in my adult life that I’ve been in public with my sleep wear on. The line of students formed up outside soon after we slipped into a booth with Michael, Kate, and their friend, Elliot (who shared his tater tots until my food came). Kate has been very encouraging to me about blogging. We saw some other students who had gotten up early, like us, and others who had been “Spreeing” since the night before and were taking a food break.

                It was a while before we were served, but the four slices of French toast and the plate of homefries were so very worth it. I’m kind of sad to see my short love affair with the place if over, for now. Lord willing, I might make it back up for MA.

                Once we made it back to the apartment for a nap, I skyped James instead. Who needs naps?! (Me, but that’s beside the point…. ) I can’t recall the particulars of what we talked about, but we watched an episode of Dr Who together and were skyping for a good hour. I like watching Who with James, his snarky comments and spoilers is something I enjoy with my family when we watch films. Erin doesn’t like to give stuff away so James was more than happy to answer all my queries. If it was around 7am my time, then it was 8:30pm his time, which also means it was officially the earliest conversation, his time, that we’ve had. So, thanks for the taste of home from half a world away!

                Erin had Spree Day surprise for us of Tropical Mimosas. It was one of two alcoholic drinks I had that day, the other being a shot of rum around 2 pm. After morning drinks we went and investigated the games and things put up for the students. A s non students, Erin had to registere me to even get in! As it should be.

                Fifty seconds on a mechanical bull later, we played a bungee race game that took some skin off of my arm, got pictures in a photo booth, bounced in a moon walk, rode the bull twice more, played laser tag with other people, and rode the bull again and again and again and…. Riding it once wasn’t good for me physically; riding it a total of seven times was really not good for me (once was just spinning in a circle, at my request, to see how long I could stay on). Three days later I’m still sore from it, my rib heads are out. But it was fun, talking to my dad about it I found out that he used to train on them for real bull riding.

                At some point in the day I ran across Zach again and asked about teaching me the Haka, “When are you leaving?” he asked me. If you’ve never heard a New Zealander speak then you’ve missed out on some auditory pleasure. “Friday.”  He laughs at me, “I can’t teach you to Haka in two days.”

                So I showed him what I thought was a fairly decent, amateurish stance and he just laughed again, “It’s not Jazz hands!”

                But Heather told me that she could see me being really good at the Haka, “You have to get angry, I couldn’t believe how angry I got when I danced it!” Heather was part of the students who danced it during Gala. She was super intense and scary looking on stage. We practiced our angry faces while waiting in line for the photo booth.

                Dan, another of Erin’s friend, join us for a second breakfast of Erin cooked waffles at the apartment. It was rather chilly that day, so tea was consumed as well. After the hobbits went back to get cotton candy and ice cream, Dan and his acapella group (college club) preformed an impromptu show! I was very impressed at their skill. Erin told me, “Dan has perfect pitch.” Even when he’s sick.

                There was a Spree Day BBQ I had been invited to, but I ended up napping for close to two hours, only to be woken up by the fire alarm! Apparently the 2nd floor neighbors are pyrotechnics. Then Erin swung by at 6:30 to get me in time for the Moan Chomsky speech. He spoke on the American, Israel, Palestine issues. It didn’t get out till 9:30pm. Dinner consisted of tortellini and red sauce, again, made by Erin.

                I took out recycling, for the first time ever in my life, and talked on the phone with Josh. It was good to bounce some ideas and thoughts off of him, since he’s traveled so much. It was a good day.

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