Thursday, April 28, 2011

One Way Ticket: Part Five

            Very, very, long overdue and belated update on my North Eastern travels. The last day of Boston/Worcester and the days in New York were so very full and fast paced, I barely had time to write (lots of time on the subway, but there is so much people watching to do down there!!) down my experiences and thoughts in my journal. I still don't have a full accounting of NY, it was just so very busy.
However from where we left of in the middle of the month....


Friday, April 15th 12:18pm. Still on a bus from Boston to NY.

    Wednesday was a day of being inside. Dishes, laundry, food, domestic things. It was nice to just stay in and clean. Once Erin got back from morning class we got on Skype and talked with James. It rained a lake. I didn't leave the house the whole day. Read some and ate warm foods. I finished, mostly, the package that was supposed to go home.

    I just got off the phone with Robyn, my hostess in NYC and I'm in Harlem!! Well, driving through it at least. Not to judge a book by it's cover, but I'm glad I'm not staying here, I feel like I could witness a mugging at any moment and I'm half a story up in a bus. Port Authority, here I come!


April 16th, 10am.
    I was sad and homesick yesterday as soon as I got to Robyn's apartment. It was the same welling feeling I had experienced when I first got to Boston. I called the house, knowing that if I talked to a familiar voice it's make it it worse. I got mom. And I choked up and cried a little. I feel that I was physically and mentally prepared for this trip... but not emotionally.

And sometimes I wonder if I am prepared in any aspect at all... some moments during my journey I've had some surreal moments of “Who am I in this place?” Almost out of body, or like I was dreaming. In retrospect, the sensation is probably connected to exhaustion and blood sugar. But when they happen, I can push through things that I feel that I would normally give up on sooner because I feel a disconnect to the experience.

    Navigating the subway system from Port Authority in Manhattan to where I needed to be in Brooklyn was one of those times. I was stressed out at first, but that faded to be replaced by an alert empty mindedness. It's hard to describe. Its as if I wasn't emotionally attached to the situation, even though I was in the middle of it and the outcome was centered on myself. Perhaps it's a warrior reaction to situations, but I didn't feel like a warrior. Anyways. I got off and out at the wrong station at one point, so I turned back around and set off an emergency exit alarm getting back on to the platform. (This is something that worried me that first time, but I came to hear it a whole bunch during my stint in the underground of NY. The “emergency exit” doors are what people with strollers and lots of luggage use to get on and off the stations.) Once you scan your subway fare card, it won't let you scan it again for another 15-30 minutes (I'm not sure about this, I never timed it and the locals kept on giving me different estimations when I asked them. Also, there was never anyone in the information desks at the stations. Grr much? Yes.)

    About to head out to experience more of Manhattan (last night was crazy) with my lovely hostess, Robyn.

Later: 1:54pm before curtain!!!!!!

    Robyn's been tempted me with a surprise and.... it's a Broadway show!! American Idiot by Greenday. Aaaahhh, so pumped. :D :D :D :D

5:11pm at the bar where Robyn does stand up comedy.

    Oh, NYC you're all wet and rainy and cold. But I think you're still pretty sweet. There is a starbucks on ever block. Flashback.

    My last day in Massachusetts was spent in the Museum of Fine Art while Erin visited with a dear friend of hers. I got in on student pricing and wandered through Egyptian, Medieval, and European with a side of Greek and Asian. Also there was a really far out blown glass and light exhibit. The whole time I was in those rooms I just wanted was a bunch of different sized and weight balls to throw at the whole thing. Again, another one of those out of body experiences I was talking about. I'm glad I didn't have a bowling ball with me... ah, I'll pack it for the next trip.

    For lunch I redeemed my free burrito voucher (got it for giving blood, did I mention that?) at a Qudoba's two blocks from the MFA. I met a wonderful gal in the line who let me sit and eat lunch with her. Christina and I talked about family and places. She's really close to her sisters and it was good to see in person that there are family centric people everywhere. The city of Boston seemed so big, but that might be because I walked a lot of it. The subway system there was easy in comparison to NYC.

10:55pm at an improv. show, before curtain.

    So, it's been over twelve hours since I awoke this morning, at 9am. I did get to settled in, drink some ginger tea & do finances, and journaled this morning. However, once we left the apartment to go into Manhattan for the Broadway show.... I feel so overstimulated. I saw so many bill boards and ads in Time Square! It's way overcrowded there and I dislike that. Too tired to write anymore now and the night is just beginning for us. (Robyn and two of her friends, Elsbet and Leah (sp?) were with us from dinner just before the improv show 'til the end of the evening which concluded with Karaoke at Lucky Chang's, which is known as a drag bar. Interesting experience, singing karaoke isn't as hard as I thought it would be.)


Sunday, April 17th 2:30pm
    Riding the sub to meet Hiromi! She's a friend I know through a couple other people. We've never meet in person before, so I'm expecting a little bit of awkward.
     I'm not sure what we are going to do... I think I'll ask her to teach me how to make origami roses. We're meeting at the station on 7th Ave and 18th St. This requires me to get on the R train @ 77th St in Brooklyn, then get off at... 59th? To transfer to the N, which will after 20 mins or so take me to Times Square where I will then transfer to the 1 and go downtown till I get to the correct station. All by my lonesome, just like everyone else on this transport. People are mostly personality-less on the subway. Quite, introspective. Unless you're a performer, which I've seen a few of those already. Rather interesting to watch panhandlers here in NYC.
    Elizabeth, Robyn's house mate was very helpful this morning in giving me good directions for the subway and excellent conversation. It will be the last that I see of her, since she's going to Queens to spend the week with her family. Passover.

    Last night was so very long. I went for 18 hours nonstop on about eight hours of sleep... oh, after seeing that written that's not too bad, but still. 45 min subway ride, Starbucks, Hershey Store (did I mention Time's Square is nuts?), the Broadway show, the M&M store, 30 min subway ride, pizza and an open mic show in Brooklyn, then vegan food (yummy spicy veggie soup) with Elsbet & Leah, The Chris & Paul Show (funny guys, too critical of themselves), drag bar where I sang Fidelity by Regina Spektor, cab home. … crashed.

My first evening in NYC I got a delicious taste of eating JUST fries for dinner and then went to a restaurant that ONLY sells chocolate based dishes. Which is where that marshmallow chocolate pizza came from. So much omnomnom.


April 18th 1pm – on the 7 toward Queens.
    Heading to her family's Passover dinner (they don't even call it a Sader) with Robyn. Went to Chelsea Market with Hiromi for an hour. She bought us Earl Grey chocolates and I discovered and treated her to Kinder Surprise Eggs. There was also a Milk Bar that sold only dairy.... cold and creamy yummy milk “fresh from the farm.” While I don't believe that it was “fresh from the farm”, it's the closest to it that I've drank since we babysat a milk cow. And since my hostesses so far have been more or less vegan, there has been a lot less dairy in my life! I drank a whole pint in about two minutes. I'm going back to Chelsea Market to get more eggs for the family, it'll be my souvenirs! Micheal had to travel all the way to Germany to get them for us, I find them south of Manhattan. It'll be the last thing, besides food, I'll buy while in New York.

    I did not realize how much MORE everything was going to be, I knew that NYC was expensive (thankyouthankyou Robyn & Elizabeth for sharing your home with me!!) but I still judged off by about 50%. This will affect my Midwest and west coast travel plans. All it takes is a small visit to Lush, a couple extra coffees, and Toys R Us to get one off track. Actually, I had planned in some “fun” money, it was the food I didn't expect to be so much all the time! (I'm happy to say that I haven't eaten ANY fast food that's not a mom&pop place and I'm being super wary about the meat.)

    After noming on chocolates with Hiromi we made plans to hang out again while we were still both going to be in the city. Then, I had to skoot to meet Robyn at 4:30. She had another surprise for me! We went to Coney Island, ate fries and chowder from the original Nathan's, wandered around the carnival, rode the Farris wheel (a first for me! I filmed some of it. Heh), went to a freak show which I was an audience participant, then to a candy shop and home. It was a good day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Way Ticket: Part Four.

April 14th - Train to Boston
              I’ve not been journaling very diligently thing and my personal laziness has surfaced. I have an unwritten gap of close to four days and not near the amount of detail I could have written. I should continue writing now,… but my head feels split and I fear it may be a migraine or the beginning of one. Leaving tomorrow for nyc should post tomorrow or tonight is possible.

April 14th 5;35 in subway train on the way home
                I observe the people around me
                The things that they do
                The words that they say
                The choices they make
                All the events going on in their lives
                A sweet sour kaleidoscope of time
                When problems arise
                And celebration ensures
                They are whipped in the wind of fate
                I see this go on and I wonder how
                I feel a lack of movement in my own sphere.

April 15th 10;30am 2nd bus from Boston to nyc
                Happy birthday Michael! Things like birthdays make home even further away, thank goodness for cell phones and the internet

Now, and overview of days starting on the 12th

April 12th -spree day!
                This college has a day every year that’s dedicated to games and drinking (remind you of any fallen city of antiquity? Thought so..) Theoretically the underage do not participate in the latter. Erin and I started the day off with an eeeeaaarly morning breakfast adventure at Annie’s. We got there just in time and we woke up at 5:15 and went in our PJ’s too. This marks the second time in my adult life that I’ve been in public with my sleep wear on. The line of students formed up outside soon after we slipped into a booth with Michael, Kate, and their friend, Elliot (who shared his tater tots until my food came). Kate has been very encouraging to me about blogging. We saw some other students who had gotten up early, like us, and others who had been “Spreeing” since the night before and were taking a food break.

                It was a while before we were served, but the four slices of French toast and the plate of homefries were so very worth it. I’m kind of sad to see my short love affair with the place if over, for now. Lord willing, I might make it back up for MA.

                Once we made it back to the apartment for a nap, I skyped James instead. Who needs naps?! (Me, but that’s beside the point…. ) I can’t recall the particulars of what we talked about, but we watched an episode of Dr Who together and were skyping for a good hour. I like watching Who with James, his snarky comments and spoilers is something I enjoy with my family when we watch films. Erin doesn’t like to give stuff away so James was more than happy to answer all my queries. If it was around 7am my time, then it was 8:30pm his time, which also means it was officially the earliest conversation, his time, that we’ve had. So, thanks for the taste of home from half a world away!

                Erin had Spree Day surprise for us of Tropical Mimosas. It was one of two alcoholic drinks I had that day, the other being a shot of rum around 2 pm. After morning drinks we went and investigated the games and things put up for the students. A s non students, Erin had to registere me to even get in! As it should be.

                Fifty seconds on a mechanical bull later, we played a bungee race game that took some skin off of my arm, got pictures in a photo booth, bounced in a moon walk, rode the bull twice more, played laser tag with other people, and rode the bull again and again and again and…. Riding it once wasn’t good for me physically; riding it a total of seven times was really not good for me (once was just spinning in a circle, at my request, to see how long I could stay on). Three days later I’m still sore from it, my rib heads are out. But it was fun, talking to my dad about it I found out that he used to train on them for real bull riding.

                At some point in the day I ran across Zach again and asked about teaching me the Haka, “When are you leaving?” he asked me. If you’ve never heard a New Zealander speak then you’ve missed out on some auditory pleasure. “Friday.”  He laughs at me, “I can’t teach you to Haka in two days.”

                So I showed him what I thought was a fairly decent, amateurish stance and he just laughed again, “It’s not Jazz hands!”

                But Heather told me that she could see me being really good at the Haka, “You have to get angry, I couldn’t believe how angry I got when I danced it!” Heather was part of the students who danced it during Gala. She was super intense and scary looking on stage. We practiced our angry faces while waiting in line for the photo booth.

                Dan, another of Erin’s friend, join us for a second breakfast of Erin cooked waffles at the apartment. It was rather chilly that day, so tea was consumed as well. After the hobbits went back to get cotton candy and ice cream, Dan and his acapella group (college club) preformed an impromptu show! I was very impressed at their skill. Erin told me, “Dan has perfect pitch.” Even when he’s sick.

                There was a Spree Day BBQ I had been invited to, but I ended up napping for close to two hours, only to be woken up by the fire alarm! Apparently the 2nd floor neighbors are pyrotechnics. Then Erin swung by at 6:30 to get me in time for the Moan Chomsky speech. He spoke on the American, Israel, Palestine issues. It didn’t get out till 9:30pm. Dinner consisted of tortellini and red sauce, again, made by Erin.

                I took out recycling, for the first time ever in my life, and talked on the phone with Josh. It was good to bounce some ideas and thoughts off of him, since he’s traveled so much. It was a good day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One Way Ticket: Part Three

Lisa from the Basement. Circa April 4th.
The French department is very demanding. You can go to France. Steer clear of Assumption.* The language majors don’t require a lot of courses. But you get to choose. The French professors are great. You could double major in languages.”

Laptop bumper stickers: Live Simply that others may simply live. & We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

*there is something called the Consortium of Colleges here in Worcester where if you’re a student of one school, you can pick up classes in any of the other colleges in the group.


April 5th - 7:52pm
Donating blood! Woohoo. Yes. Haven’t done this in a few years.


April 6th 2011 12:21pm
Sitting in Intermediate Spanish Class. It looks like so much fun! Esta muy dirvitado. [Tanya was my escort, she applied, was accepted, and is now attending Clark without prior visiting. Brave! There are 16 students in this class.] “Tu tienes que volver ami.” Espero qu te diveirts. I hope you have fun :P Gracias por …. otra ves?


April 6th 7:43pm
Yesterday, the 5th, I watched Dr Who in the morning, met up with Erin in the Academic Commons, listened to a lecture by NOAA president (look her up, interesting, her speech is clearly been reviewed, but the Q&A is good!), donated blood, almost fainted, hung with a girl on a bench until the two of us were less green, ate delish tortellini, watched more Dr Who, Erin went to Poker, me to fanfiction and then bed @ 11pm. And that’s the fifth in a nut shell. I should expound a little on the blood donation, mainly that I got a voucher to redeem for a free Qudoba burrito! Really looking forward to that, I’ll just have to remember to use it before I leave the Mass area, since it’s only valid here.
Today was more productive, up by 8am, off to Admissions by 9 {I’m starting to recognize some people here, & had a nice breakfast on the college with a student, Matt, who was very interesting and informative about Clark and the surrounding area. I was later told by some other students that Matt was a very good representation of the Clark student body.} Then 10am to a formal info session, which I skipped out halfway with the adviser's blessings to locate Ron, a transfer advisor, and subsequently miss the guided tour of the campus. Ron was also very helpful and reviewed my unofficial transcript and let me know which classes would transfer. I need to review my Common App and get it submitted.
Then from Ron’s office I sat in on Intermediate Spanish, in which I felt that I understood 50 to 60% of what was going on. Not bad considering I’ve been out of classroom Spanish for close to three years. Also, Zach, the New Zealander was in the class; it was nice to recognize a face, and he lent me his text book so I could follow along. Twenty minutes after the class found me still exploring the four story language and music building. 1:40pm found me back in the AC to meet Erin. Since new/old developments have made it impossible for her to come to Boston, she printed out bus and train schedules for me. We soon migrated for the evening to the Arts Center Basement. The place that is quickly, next to the library, becoming a favorite place for me here. I blogged, then went back to Erin’s house on my own for a oatmeal dinner. I am a huge fan of instant oatmeal. Omnomnom.


April 7th 12:23pm. -South Station, again. but with less baggage.
$10 for a taxi & $10 for a bus, which was close to an hour late. I should have just woken up earlier and taken the 9:30am bus. Oh well. My budget for today’s trip to and in and back from Boston is $70 and as soon as I down this coffee, I’m off to the MFA (Museum of Fine Art) to get postcards for family. I know that mom told me not to walk the streets alone, but that’s unavoidable at this point in time. I’m assuming that you understand, right mom?
When I got to the mezzanine I borrowed a table from a young man who looked to be a lone traveler. He was writing in a paperblanks journal and I might strike up a conversation with him as soon as I feed the caffeine deprived beast within.
Between you and me, at this moment, deep down, I’m not sure as to the whole point of this journey I’m on.


Subway stops - get a map
Aquarium is on the Blueline from South Station. Chinatown is on the orangeline. Harvard - red line.


April 8th 1:30 pm. in class w/Erin, a writing class.
Last night I crashed around 11, I slept close to twelve hours. Being in the city wore me out. I was so very tired. My bus an hour late, then only an hour in the MFA shop since I wasn’t going to spend $18 on a ticket to roam the museum for an hour. Maybe I’ll get to go back later, it has three stories of stuff. And Monet and Dega and and and ancient Egyptian and Japanese and and a new glass exhibit that looks cool. Around 1:30, Nick Tate, a friend of Erin’s met me at the Boston Aquarium. He has a membership and got me in as a guest. The Aquarium has penguins! And a jellyfish room! And a touch tank! Yay! It was fun, smaller than the Florida Aquarium, but I enjoyed my time there nonetheless.
After we browsed the Aquarium, we went to Quincy Market and ate. Then we went wondering all over Boston. I have a map somewhere. We went to the Boston Commons and down to where there were swans. And we managed to make it all the way where the set bar for the show Cheers was. We got root beer and then went to a Starbucks to rest our tired feet. This girl is not use to that much walking in one go. Can we say out of shape much? Yes.


April 11th 4pm.
(Cont. Boston.) Tate and I walked around the city, then our feet rebelled (at least, mine did), the end. The Boston Commons was partially under some construction, so I didn’t get to see all of it. I have to find that map! We got back to Worcester around 9 and Liz and Jeremy picked us up from Union Station. I don’t recall anything of interest happening Friday & Saturday. They were about the same as last week’s. but Sunday, well... yesterday, well, that was spent inside all day. I went out once and that was for a thirty minute stint to the Arts Basement to meet Erin at the end of her shift. The day was spent cleaning, eating, and copious amounts of Dr Who. I am not ashamed!!
Today I was planning on going to some of Worcester’s museums, but apparently the town shuts down on Mondays. Even the public library is closed. What? I know. So I went walking around the town for close to two hours and had a few adventures and two people solicit me for money.
Once I got back to Clark I found a niche to sit in, took my shoes off and four way convo’d with Mike, Tricia, and Dad for close to forty-five minutes. Talked about travel plans and daily plans and life plans. Then. Then.... I finally went INTO the library... all five floors of it. <3<3<3 I spent many moments wandering the stacks like a dazed and overwhelmed child in a candy shop.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Way Ticket: Part Two

Still in Worcester! <3 The town it self is kind of so so, but the Clark campus is beautiful!

April 2nd.
Gala was an epic dance/performance that Clark University students put on annually. It was a show of the unique and traditional dance styles of the different countries represented in the student body. I have a program somewhere listing the different countries. I got to witness the New Zealand Maori Haka dance, which was mind blowing! I got gooses bumps, I can understand how that it would be horrify to be attacked by warriors who did this! &

Woke up around 9:45am, and Erin took me to Annie’s, which is a delicious cafe that Clark students are known to frequent. I got a full belly for $5. When we went walking around Worcester and Erin pointed out where the Worcester Art Museum was, I intend on visiting it during my stay here for sure.


April 3rd. 2:03 am.
Back from Erin’s cast party, it was an “Anything But Clothing” party, so there was lots of interesting outfits made out of things typically not used for clothing. Such as Zach’s trash bag outfit, and Erin’s saran wrap dress (she layered pretty magazine pictures between the layers). Also, another girl showed up dressed like a gift bag! I thought that one was particular cute.

There was a lot of drinking there and more drama than I’ve seen in a long time. I was told that it was an atypical party here at Clark. But it was also with the theatre group, they’re in the business of drama. Forgive me, I make light of the troubles of other people and while they are experiencing their own lives, I watch from the outside. It makes me feel left out in someways, not that I want to adopt any more issues to deal with... I do have my own share of troubles.

But, let me rewind.

Erin took me to Annies for breakfast and as I said a walk. The Hanover Theater is here in Worcester and we’re going to see if anything is showing there. I also want to check out the massive public library if I can get a chance.

We walked quite a ways and I’ll have to remind Erin to show me on a map where we went. Around noon we headed back to Erin’s. She had a community out reach program to lead so she just gave me the keys and I went on the last block alone. Erin lives in a triple decker right near the college (hah, I’m referring to Clark as “the college”) She participates/leads a program called Rising Stars that helps kids tap into their inner actors, singer, dancer and improvee.
As soon as I got upstairs I met one of Erin’s elusive housemates, Liz, who gazed at me worriedly when I let myself in. I quickly introduced myself and she left soon after, it seemed she only had to grab a textbook. I hung out in the warmest room in the house with the cat and attempted to blog. My blogging came to zero fruition, so I drank ginger tea and worked on finances. Unless I figure out a  way to make money on the trip, I’m reduced with how much I can spend I have a loose budget for each section of my trip. It is very helpful to have people willing and hospitable to host my stays! I appreciate it very very much and am doing my best to be an excellent guest. So, all of you at home should note that just because I’m “off adventuring” doesn’t mean I’ve stopped doing the dishes. :P

While Erin was gone, I also met her other house mate,  Tiara,  & Tiara’s boyfriend, Brian. They had groceries and I thought that T. was super chic (which, as I’ve seen her more since then, has held to be true). We conversed while we ate a late lunch (around 3:45pm). It was a good conversation, all about education and travel.

One of the main things I’ve noticed about being on my own for the most part is that I miss the rhythm, however slight, of a family household. The movement and doings of a cohesive group of people and their habits that I automatically bristle against or incorporate into my on daily movements. This is something I already acutely feel the lack. I think I would have a very difficult time living alone, at first. My feeding schedule is already shot to pieces!

After T& B left, I went back to my cat snuggling and watched a surprisingly good movie called Agora.

Erin got back and then we went out to “Family Dinner” at a friends and I met a bunch of people.  I am horrible at names. “Family Dinner” is something some of the students do here, where a group of friends get together for a sit down... I really enjoyed it, also the homemade pesto sauce was to die for. After dinner Heather, Erin, and myself applied epic makeup and popped out to watch a college group improve show  “Shenanigans” before constructing the girl’s saran wrap dresses for the party.

Also, I met “the face of Clark” New Zealand-er, Zach. He joined us in prepping for the cast party.  He said he’d teach me how to Haka. The reason he’s called “the face of Clark” is because his picture is all over the literature about the college (  I enjoyed hanging with them, we sang Disney music, something I’ve ever really only done with my sisters.


April 3rd 10:42 am. 
In the stickleback fish lab. (pictures can be found on fb!)
Last night the words of a friend encouraged me in my doubting of where I belonged and fit.  “It’s ok not to feel like you fit in,” I was told, “and don’t change your standards or way of life to fit in. Keep the Holy Spirit in front of you.”

Now I’m observing Erin’s as she does testing on stickleback for part of her Animal Behaviours class. They are injecting the different tanks with a control and then different things such a the water from a tank from a trout that’s been feed stickleback and also something that’s actually ground up sickle back. Another girl has a model of a bird that she “flies” over a tank to see how the sickle reacts. They call the whole thing sticklescaring and it looks very tedious to me. They don’t know how the fish recognize the signals from the added things since the water dissipates so quickly.  

Basically, these students scare the patooi out of lil’ fish. It’s There was a conference going on down the hall, so I ganked free food. Woot! I took too much, I think that they were just going to throw it away.  I ate the filling out of the wraps and sandwiches since I’m technically supposed to avoid excessive bread products.


April 4th 2:42pm
Yesterday, after lab Erin took me to meet the gals at the school’s info desk where went went through a big box of lost keys! People! Come get yah keys. Flash drives and gift cards... how can people not know about the info desk?! We took a meal swap from a friend and got grilled cheese for noms. (The meal plan here is kind of ridiculous [but maybe all meal plans are], the meals expire at the end of the week, so Lauren told me I could use any left over meals she ha at the end of the week. )

After I laid down for a small nap at 3 I woke around 6pm! I guess I needed the sleep... I found a note telling me where Erin was if I wanted to join her. I did. The Trina Center is one of the neatest buildings on campus, being the art building. I stayed briefly, before catching a ride with Clark Escort to go grocery shopping (water, apples, bananas, V8, oatmeal, shampoo & conditioner, peanut butter.. all for $20).  I feel confident that I can stretch them out for the next ten days of my stay.


April 5th 11:02am.
I spent the day in the awesome arts center basement where the photography classes are held. I met a very mature 16 year old who was also looking at Clark. He seemed a bit of a cynic, but we had a miniature adventure going through the free table where we discovered the awesome popup Monet’s garden. I also talked extensively with two teacher/advisors who where hanging out and instructing. “Clark has what you want to take from it.” Is what sums up the advice I was given. I took the opportunity to post my first blog and sign up for a Clark Conversation and Information Session for the following day.

Dinner was spaghetti and tofu turkey sausages (really, you can’t knock them till you try them, and I did not knock them and I’m a MEAT LOVER) and homemade tomato vinaigrette salad. It was so yummy. I’m not staving here!

Erin and I have been friends since we were 11 and 12. Our views and opinions are often very polar opposite, but we’ve been friends for way too long over some of the most influential years of our lives to left something like that get in the way of anything. But, because of our differing viewpoints we have some very excellent conversation. It’s one thing to speak with the people who validate your beliefs and personal choices because they have the same system of living as you do; it’s a completely different thing to talk with someone who is looking at life from a separate point of view. If you don’t have to ability to respect what the other person is saying, if you can’t even pause your own thoughts long enough to hear them out, then you’ll never expand and grow. One of the many things I enjoy about Erin is that we both know that we can’t change each other’s opinions, so we don’t try. But we do talk and it is a lively conversation! Last night, we even solved some of the world’s problems... now, if we could only implement the solutions...

Thursday has slated plans to adventure in Boston! I’m so very excited and kind of nervous. I’ve never taken the subway before. But I’ve been told that Boston is a good city to learn it on. A friend of Erin’s is taking us to the Boston Aquarium, where we’ll see penguins! (I know, I travel all the way to Boston and I’m most excited about the penguins.) Tomorrow, though, I’ve got an official meet ‘n’ greet with a Clark Advisor.  I’ll get to sit in on a class too! I picked the Intermediate Spanish, this will be a test to see how much I recall after not being in Spanish in over three years. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Fool's Day

What a day! With none to little tricks in it, too.

I had a full day, there was some hurry-up-&-wait (which comes in the territory of travelers); from early morning drive to the airport (thanks mom! and thanks Kath! <3) to the late night walk from an epic student function back to Erin’s apartment. It was mostly pleasant. Scary plane landing aside.

5: 25am Terminal

After traveling all available roads around the go ol’ MCO I arrived on time for my early morning flight. We parked and Mom and Katherine walked me inside. The airport seemed rather full to me at 4:30am on a Friday, but I’m not a frequent flier so I have little to compare too.

As I am traveling I enjoy watching people around me as they go on about their way. There is the business man, the student, the family of four, and even the token service dog (there were so many dogs in South Station, Boston!! I wish I had thought to take more pictures, but I skip ahead). Another personal hobbie of mine is striking up conversation with those around me.

My first fellow traveler encounter was in the parking garage. A young boy on his way to Portland, OR, to visit his dad. He and his mom were making a second try at getting him on a plane, since everything the day before was canceled or delayed.  We parted ways at the elevator/escalators.

Once we get to the check in desks, Mom veers us left “To find JetBlue.” I had checked in the night before at home, so I wasn’t sure why we’d need to find JetBlue. However, I had time and didn’t mind prolonging farewells. So left we went.

I’m glad I went without complaint, for there was a pleasant surprise waiting for me!  My newly married sister, Patricia, and her husband, Cody, had gotten up early to meet us at the airport to see me off. I felt very loved and blessed to have such people in my family. Thanks you two for making the start of my trip memorial.

My second traveler encounter was while waiting in the thirty minute security line. A three person family: father, mother, and utterly adorable precocious eight year old with whom I spent the majority of the time talking with. As an only child, she had handful of questions for me as soon as she found out that I had six siblings. We did some comparative discussion and her verdict was that being an only was totes better than having to share everything (this proclamation on her part earned a gentle reprimand from her mother about how she did have to share with her cousins. “I know.” the child replied).  I didn’t get her name, but she was a pleasure to talk to.

10 am - South Station, Boston

I’m waiting to begin the next step of my journey! I’ve navigated the airport & bus system (uber thanks to Erin Ross for the clear cut instructions) and arrived in one piece at the train station! It has snowed here in Boston recently, so it’s cold and wet right now, slush covers the ground in patches, breath condenses in the air, people are in a rush.  I’m sitting on the second floor in the Mezzanine eating some oatmeal and making plans to find more hot water for tea.

I know that writing is not the same as surfing the net, but I’ll have limited access to the web while I’m traveling and I think that it might be my sanity for forfeit if I don’t write. Victoria suggested that I work on my ambidextrousness.

On the bus from Boston Logan to South Station I got lumped with a bunch of students from Tampa, I’m pretty sure that the bus driver let me ride on for free even thought I purchased a ticket (he didn’t take and scan it when I offered it to him).

I called Erin while I wait for my oatmeal to cool. She is my long time dear friend who is letting me stay with her while I’m in Massachusetts and I found out that she might not make it to pick me up from her end of the tracks. Which is something we had talked about it being a possibility before I even booked my trip and she’d see about one of her friends picking me up. But, hearing that now suddenly makes me feel so far from home, so removed. I don’t think I like traveling alone.

12:10pm TRAIN!

As I sit here on the train, and it’s moving away from the station, I hope that I’m on the correct rail, oh well, too late now! Adventure here you are.

For the last hour of my wait, I sat with/by a young gal, 26, who is a college professor of American History. We had an excellent conversation about life, colleges, and traveling. We didn’t introduce ourselves, but she was great company. A young man from Berkley solicited us to listen to thirty seconds of his music. And a young lady asked us for a dollar. My companion informed me that this is not unusual in the city, South Station in particular.

3:00pm Worcester

At Erin’s! I did get on the right train, after all. I don’t feel the exclamation point at this time, but I am very glad to be here. Erin was able to meet me at the Worcester station after all, she kept it as a surprise and had a sign written up for me. I’ll post a picture of it, since it was made with love. My host had to run out to meet with her advisor to get next semester classes in line and she said she’d be back by 3:30.

She make me coffee from fresh roasted Oregon coffee beans before she left. I’m going to drink some, bundle up, fight off selfishness and wait to see what’s in store for this evening!

11:36pm Bed

So tired. I’ll write more about Gala tomorrow, but it was awesome. Sleep.

ps. pictures to follow!